Summer In-Town

The Summer In-Town Program is a low-pressure recreational league that offers Pembroke youth the opportunity to continue playing basketball during the summer months. All games take place outdoors at the Libby Short Basketball Courts behind the Community Center.

There are no tryouts for the Summer In-Town Program, and balanced teams are established based on skill level and evaluations.

The program is open to all children, regardless of ability, entering 3rd grade through high school.

There are no practices during the summer program and games are scheduled once a week. Officials oversee all weekly games, scores are recorded, and there is a playoff structure at the end of the season.

Days of Play for Summer In-Town

Sundays - Boys HS; Boys 7/8

Mondays - Boys 3/4; Boys 5/6

Tuesdays - Girls 7/8/9*

Wednesdays - Girls 3/4*; Girls 5/6*

Please note the change in days-of-play for Girls 5/6 and Boys HS

*Grades eligible for these divisions may shift depending on the number of players that register.

Game times could start as early as 5pm but the final times will be determined based on the number of players registered.

Evaluations will be held the June 2nd thru June 5th.

Registration will CLOSE May 29th, 2024. ANY child registered AFTER May 29th will be put on the waitlist and addressed on a case by case basis.


This program is open to boys & girls entering the 3rd grade through High School.


The Summer In-Town Season will run from June 16th thru August 8th. Planned Game days will be Sunday thru Wednesday.


The Summer In-Town program is played out doors at the Libby Short Basketball Courts behind the Community Center.


There are no practices for the Summer Program.


The total number of games (regular season & playoffs) equals 8 to 10 games (1 per week)

Jerseys / Uniforms

Reversible jerseys are provided to each player. Please select your child's size during registration.


The registration fee is $85 for a single player, $160 for two players and $215 for three or more players (family cap is $215). 

If you are registering siblings and interested in a sibling discount, please email before completing registration.

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